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Revised:  08/21/2024






Kicking Spur Stables is a wonderful website that shows a lot of information, pictures of horses that has been sold since the first day in time.  We even are capable of selling original horses, and custom made horses; at times we've been known to sell bio cards, accessories, tack, and hand-made halters and/or bio cards.  I've been creating a website now for almost four years, and started out learning the basic stuff on my own.  I took a class for web design in 2001 which than help improve my techniques.  I started collecting Grand Champions in 1990, and have become to love each and everyone of them.



The Grand Champions started out in 1988 or earlier, and didn't have a brand on their rumps, than in 1990 through 1995 or so they came up with a brand that was just a basic "GC" brand, than after 1996 they went into creating an oval around the "GC" which was colored in gold, and later in silver.