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Revised:  08/21/2024




July 18, 2024


 Birthday wishes to me!  Updated many pages on the website.


January 04, 2024


New custom stallion added to the Custom Gallery.



Older News


August 23, 2023


I am slowly working to update the site when I find the time out of my normal life.  I am raising 3 children now, 2 severely autistic.  But that won't stop me from completely my goal.


August 21, 2022


I have had a lot going on in the passed couple of months.  I was unable to edit my website via Microsoft FrontPage with the old hosting company that I've been using since my website was created back in 2003.  So I tried to move to another hosting company and it didn't go so well.  My domain name was still assigned to the other company.  So I had no way of recovering any information for it, or my old e-mail address "Hotmail.com".  So I had to finally decide to create a new domain name via "Angelfire" since I've used them before, and knew they were allowing total FrontPage publishes.  So I am working hard to bring the website back to full potential.  I do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused everyone.  I do appreciate everyone's patience while I get the site back up and running.